To luxuriate the journey, not cure...
The founders and members of Doors Open have personally understood the journey from their own human experience and hence accurately have designed the objectives to be targeted with purpose and precision.
The homeless journeyor is a man that understands and seeks the universal truth on his own authentic journey after defying the norms and expectations of society, family, and institutional rules. They see the signs before those of us living within institutional lifestyle.
They don’t require our curing, but instead our acknowledging their rogue strength and courage to be in the realm of truth. They require our respect, connectivity, love and the provision of essential items.
The 58 Program:- Eternally balancing Journey” creates packages:
- sleeping bags
- socks/underwear
- cream of antiseptic and muscle & joint healing
- multi vitamins & omega vitamins that are refillable.
The program has been blessed by the coincidences of these companies that have the numbers incorporated in their products.
Footworks:- is the leg of ‘Doors Open’ that heals the feet of the journeyor. Twice a week the nomad of our planet can come and soak their feet in hot water, salt baths and let their feet breath without the embarrassment and being made to feel uncomfortable. They receive “soles for their shoes” made by Dr vScholls that has coincidentally put an ∞ with 5 dots on the soles.
Continous Karmic Connectivity:- The opportunity to check-in to the home-base, to learn how to grow food, and the skills of building homes is purposeful both in Journey and Destination. Coincidently, the journey of growing our own food and building our own homes is a soul exercise which connects our hands to our minds to our heartful souls. And to participate in soul enhancing activities of painting, drawing, puzzling and other arts and crafts. Giving the sense of belonging and connectivity to each other and the truth.